Ordering and Shipping

At this time we are only accepting orders for shipping within the United States and Hawaii.
If you are ordering 25 plants or more please call for discount rates and shipping quotes.
Payment: There is no minimum amount on orders placed for goods supplied by Hillsview Gardens. Payment must accompany your order, Make checks payable to Hillsview Gardens, PO BOX 1076, Mulino OR 97042.
Our online store accepts payment using Visa, MasterCard via PayPal or using your PayPal account. A PayPal account is not required to place an order through PayPal. Phone orders are also taken with a credit card. To order by mail you may wish to call concerning availabilty and secure card payment information. All orders are filled on a first come first serve basis. Your credit card will be charged when your order is placed to secure all your plants.
Domestic Shipments Only: Orders will be queued for shipping in the order received. We ship on Monday and Tuesday of each week. Charges for shipping and packing are as follows:
Mail in Orders: If your order is $50.00 - $100.00 add $30.00 for packing and FedEx Express Saver shipping.
If your order is $100.00 - $ 200.00 add $ 45.00 to your order for packing and FedEx Express Saver shipping. We prefer FedEx Shipping although we do offer USPS for all orders except wholesale orders which ship FedEx 2nd Day. If you would like shipping via Priority Air USPS include the same amount as above. FedEx Second Day and FedEx Standard Overnight is available, if the shipping costs are more we will bill at cost for any amount due.
Online Store Orders: Our choice for shipping domestic orders is via Priority Air for all online store orders, if you prefer Federal Express Services we ask that you call with your order so that we can quote a more accurate rate. Federal Express choices are as follows;
1. FedEx Express Saver - Third Business Day.
2. FedEx 2Day - Second Business Day.
3. FedEx Standard Overnight - Next Business Afternoon.
4. FedEx Priority Overnight - Next Business Morning.
(Express saver being the least costly)
We ship year round and we reserve the right to delay shipping when temperatures are extreme and may cause damage to plants in transit. We use heat packs and thermal packing during the winter months for added protection. For Heat Packs please add an additional $2.00 per pack.